Satdobate Examination School Status

Project start date : 2026-03-01
Project goal : $ 35,000.00

How can Active Hearts benefit the most children in the most efficient, fairest way?

How can we provide access to education to the most children across the widest area?

How do we respect the cultural, logistical and social economic considerations that must be addressed as we work in rural Nepal?

We start by listening. And this is what we heard….

  • The children of Nepal need to pass their SEE* exams to continue their education.

This is exactly where Active Hearts Foundation can help!

*Secondary Education Examination (SEE) (previously known as SLC) is one of the most important examinations of Nepal. It is a form of evaluation that determines what courses students can choose for their higher studies according to their SEE grades. It marks the bridge between school and college.

  • The exams must be taken in an official government approved Official Examination school.
  • Many schools are days away from a facility meaning parents and children must travel large distances to reach the closest Official Examination school.
  • For many this is a stressful, expensive and time-consuming affair however the alternative is failing the year of study narrowing their education opportunities.
  • Some parents simply can’t afford to send their children to sit their exams.

We have received a proposal from Satdobate school to assist them in gaining status as an Official Examination School. This will benefit approx. 300+ students each year from 7+ schools spread throughout some 40+ small villages. Some students and their parents will walk up to 15km to reach Sadtobate. This means students can sit their SEE exams and return home the same day. The ripple effects will fan out far beyond. The money and time saved and the stress relieved for the parents will only enhance the students learning capabilities. The added economic benefits and attention centred on the small settlement of Sadtobate will give greater cause for roading upgrades, community facilities and a wider range of supplies and produce available.

Sadtobate school has been preapproved as an Official Examination School providing it reaches the required standard needed. Active Hearts is fundraising for the final hurdle. To build the compound wall around the school grounds to create a safe and secure complex. The land has been surveyed, the structural engineers have completed the working drawings and the tradesmen are ready to go. Funding is the only obstacle left. The government will not help fund leaving the community to provide the wall. This is unattainable for these rural communities.

This project is quoted at $35,000 NZD

Please consider donating to this cause. It will benefit over the years more students, families and communities than we can imagine. It is exactly the reason we started Active Hearts and work so hard behind the scenes to make it a success.

Thank you and Namaste x

Our Goal $ 35,000.00 $ 5,475.00
Active Hearts Foundation

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