Gogane Primary School Library
The story of the Active Hearts Foundation Gogane library is a wonderful example of how small gestures of kindness can create an amazing result!
No distance is to great!
Gogane Primary School is located in the Nuwakot district about a 6 hr drive north of Kathmandu Valley
Kaitoke Primary School is located on Aotea/Great Barrier Island, New Zealand
Gogane School has a role of about 50 students. The school was flattened by the 2015 earthquakes. During the weeks that followed the Active Hearts Foundation assisted with funds to rebuild the broken school. Now rebuilt there is still a shortage of resources and supplies.
In August 2021 Active Hearts founder Dan Keys visited the beautiful New Zealand island paradise of Aotea/Great Barrier Island.
While here he had the privilege visiting little Kaitoke primary school. The school has only 44 students and 3 teachers. He shared the Active Hearts story and even had Arjun and Asmita Adhikari video in to say Namaste from Kathmandu Nepal.
Kaitoke school students decided to hold a fundraising event to raise money for a new library for Gogane Primary school in Nepal. The plan was to climb Te Ahumata/Whitecliffs, the beautiful maunga/mountain that overlooks Kaitoke school and is on the school logo. The students gathered their friends and families and challenged themselves to a walk up the mountain. Once on the summit they took photos holding up a hand made messages for Gogane School.

Kaitoke students on Te Ahumata summit The fundraiser was a rolling event. For three weeks from Nov 1st 2021 until the 21st November the kids gathered sponsors and did the walk when it suited their families while complying with current lockdown rules.
The Kaitoke primary student did an AMAZING job and raised $3500NZD! The money raised from the this fundraiser was enough to build Gogane School a beautiful new library! In September 2022 Dan could finally return to Nepal.

Dan visited the village of Gogane and celebrated the opening their new library
It was a wonderful day with speeches, ribbon cutting and dances from the students.
The students and teachers of Gogane Primary are forever grateful to the students of Kaitoke primary school for their efforts. They sent letters and pictures of thanks to the Kaitoke students.
This was a magical project that proves no matter how small or how distant you may feel, you can make a huge difference to the world!
Thank you, Namaste and Nga mihi nui Kaitoke School students, teachers and parents from Gogane Primary and the Active Hearts Foundation whanau x